¿Quieres que te cuente?


Book description

This anthology contains stories and thoughts written by children, teachers, and parents. Excellent as an inspiration for the writing classroom.


Note from the editor

For many years Alma Flor Ada and I have been pro­mot­ing the idea that we are all authors and that every­one should be invited to put his feel­ings, dreams, expe­ri­ences in writ­ing in order to pre­serve and share them. We have described the process that will achieve these goals in the book Authors in the Class­room.

The idea behind antholo­gies like the one pre­sented here is to offer mod­els of writ­ings by teach­ers, chil­dren and par­ents that can be an invi­ta­tion to facil­i­tate lis­ten­ing to every voice and devel­op­ing true learn­ing com­mu­ni­ties sup­ported by a strong

There are six titles in this col­lec­tion of Teach­ers’, Children’s and Par­ents’ writing: