Celebrate Fourth of July with Champ, the Scamp
Celebra el Cuatro de Julio con Campeón, el glotón


Story: It is the 4th of July, and a fam­ily pre­pares for a spe­cial pic­nic. Champ, the fam­ily dog, does not want to miss the cel­e­bra­tion. He hides away in the food bas­ket and has a pic­nic of his own with all the other dogs in the park!

What kind of a pic­nic will it be for the fam­ily with­out any food?

Non-fiction: An overview of the his­tory and cel­e­bra­tion of Fourth of July with inter­est­ing and col­or­ful photographs.


Many cultures take their national holiday as an opportunity to go to nature with friends and family and share a meal in the open air. I have shared my passion for the outdoors with many companions and several dogs, along my life. Buffy, a Dalmatian that would eat from plastic toys to anybody’s left overs –both apparently tasting the same-; and Emily, a chocolate Labrador that would swim to the end of the lake to bring back a branch as if her life was in it, only to drop it at my feet, and start barking with all the strength of her lungs until I threw it again. Emily was Mary’s dog. But she let me share it  for many years and all the way from Boston to California.

Pic­nics have pro­vided delight­ful moments along my life and I have trea­sured the dogs I have had oppor­tu­nity to love. But the real moti­va­tion for this story is the firm belief that sol­i­dar­ity is one of the great­est qual­i­ties in life.