Celebrate Halloween and the Day of the Dead with Cristina and her Blue Bunny
Celebra el Halloween y el Día de Muertos con Cristina y su conejito azul


Story: It’s Hal­loween but Cristina is very sad and doesn’t feel like putting on a cos­tume and going trick-or-treating because she’s lost her favorite stuffed ani­mal, her blue bunny. Dur­ing the cel­e­bra­tion of the Day of the Dead, her par­ents teach her about a unique way to deal with the pain of the loss of a loved one.

Non-fiction: An overview of the his­tory of Hal­loween and the Day of the Dead and activ­i­ties on these days, with numer­ous infor­ma­tive photographs.


I have inherited from my friends in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the custom of preparing altars for the Day of the Dead. I have visited many houses where an altar was prepared, and observed the special art each family puts forward to make this a day of remembrance.

I feel moved by the tin crosses that in New Mexico you can see everywhere, and little by little I have covered a whole section of a wall in my house with them. Underneath I prepared an altar of photographs and objects to honor the memory of my mother, and more recently also for  my brother Diego. My altar stayed up for many months, and I will be renewing this young tradition in my heart, every first of November.

Many read­ers are intrigued about how two authors col­lab­o­rate to write a book. If you share this curios­ity you may enjoy read­ing how I explain this expe­ri­ence in the chap­ter entitled “Writ­ing in Col­lab­o­ra­tion: One plus One is One or Two” in the book Alma Flor Ada and You, vol­ume II pub­lished by Libraries Unlimited.