Story: The students in Mrs. Park’s class prepare to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and plan to create a mural in his honor. As they reflect on the values he taught, the students come up with terrific idea for their Martin Luther King Day celebration.
Non-fiction: An overview of the Civil Rights Movement and the efforts of Martin Luther King, Jr. to attain a socially just and equitable society in the United States.
Both Alma Flor Ada and I have always had great admiration for Martin Luther King, Jr. as well as everyone else who struggled with determination and authenticity on behalf of human rights. We particularly appreciate the leaders, who inspired by Mahatma Ghandi were able to adhere to a code of non-violence. And just as we wanted to honor Dr. King with this book we have also written the biography of César Chávez, who also led a non-violent struggle on behalf of the farm workers. You can find it in Paths or Caminos. Read together these books can allow children to see the commonalities between the dreams and efforts of these two great men.
We have presented this message to the young readers hoping they will indeed be able to embrace both their own uniqueness and the diversity around them.
Since I am one of the two authors of this book, I can only share my side of the story. You can visit www.isabelcampoy.com to read what my co-author has to say.
Many readers are intrigued about how two authors collaborate to write a book. If you share this curiosity you may enjoy reading how I explain this experience in the chapter entitled “Writing in Collaboration: One plus One is One or Two” in the book Alma Flor Ada and You, volume II published by Libraries Unlimited.