Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day With Mrs. Park’s Class
Celebra el Día de Martin Luther King, Jr. con la clase de la Sra. Park


Story: The stu­dents in Mrs. Park’s class pre­pare to cel­e­brate Mar­tin Luther King, Jr. Day and plan to cre­ate a mural in his honor. As they reflect on the val­ues he taught, the stu­dents come up with ter­rific idea for their Mar­tin Luther King Day celebration.

Non-fiction: An overview of the Civil Rights Move­ment and the efforts of Mar­tin Luther King, Jr. to attain a socially just and equi­table soci­ety in the United States.


Both Alma Flor Ada and I have always had great admi­ra­tion for Mar­tin Luther King, Jr. as well as every­one else who strug­gled with deter­mi­na­tion and authen­tic­ity on behalf of human rights. We par­tic­u­larly appre­ci­ate the lead­ers, who inspired by Mahatma Ghandi were able to adhere to a code of non-violence. And just as we wanted to honor Dr. King with this book we have also writ­ten the biog­ra­phy of César Chávez, who also led a non-violent strug­gle on behalf of the farm work­ers. You can find it in Paths or Caminos. Read together these books can allow chil­dren to see the com­mon­al­i­ties between the dreams and efforts of these two great men.

We have pre­sented this mes­sage to the young read­ers hop­ing they will indeed be able to embrace both their own unique­ness and the diver­sity around them.

Since I am one of the two authors of this book, I can only share my side of the story. You can visit www.isabelcampoy.com to read what my co-author has to say.

Many read­ers are intrigued about how two authors col­lab­o­rate to write a book. If you share this curios­ity you may enjoy read­ing how I explain this expe­ri­ence in the chap­ter entitled “Writ­ing in Col­lab­o­ra­tion: One plus One is One or Two” in the book Alma Flor Ada and You, vol­ume II pub­lished by Libraries Unlimited.