Huertos de coral


This rich anthol­ogy offers 128 pages of poetry for the upper ele­men­tary and mid­dle school stu­dents. The works of some of the most pres­ti­gious poets in the Span­ish speak­ing world are rep­re­sented.
Some of the poets included among many oth­ers are:

  • from Spain, Rafael Alberti, Fed­erico Gar­cía Lorca, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Anto­nio Machado
  • from Argentina, Elsa Isabel Borne­mann, María Elena Walsh
  • from Costa Rica, Flo­ria Jiménez
  • from Chile, Gabriela Mistral
  • from Cuba, Mirta Aguirre, David Cheri­cián, José Martí
  • from Méx­ico, Elías Nandino, Anto­nio Ramírez Grana­dos, Octavio Paz, Gilda Rincón
  • from Nicaragua, Rubén Darío
  • from Puerto Rico, Ester Feli­ciano Mendoza


Poetry is one of the best gifts we can give chil­dren. A poem a day enhances a child’s life with the sounds of words, with rhyme and rhythm, with the enchant­ment of images and metaphors, with the invi­ta­tion to see real­ity with new eyes.

Our cul­ture is very rich in out­stand­ing poets and excel­lent poetry. Some poets write pri­mar­ily for chil­dren, but even our most rec­og­nized poets have at some time or other writ­ten poetry that chil­dren can enjoy.