This rich anthology offers 128 pages of poetry for the upper elementary and middle school students. The works of some of the most prestigious poets in the Spanish speaking world are represented.
Some of the poets included among many others are:
- from Spain, Rafael Alberti, Federico García Lorca, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Antonio Machado
- from Argentina, Elsa Isabel Bornemann, María Elena Walsh
- from Costa Rica, Floria Jiménez
- from Chile, Gabriela Mistral
- from Cuba, Mirta Aguirre, David Chericián, José Martí
- from México, Elías Nandino, Antonio Ramírez Granados, Octavio Paz, Gilda Rincón
- from Nicaragua, Rubén Darío
- from Puerto Rico, Ester Feliciano Mendoza
Poetry is one of the best gifts we can give children. A poem a day enhances a child’s life with the sounds of words, with rhyme and rhythm, with the enchantment of images and metaphors, with the invitation to see reality with new eyes.
Our culture is very rich in outstanding poets and excellent poetry. Some poets write primarily for children, but even our most recognized poets have at some time or other written poetry that children can enjoy.