Roll ‘N’ Role
Teatrín de Don Crispín

Book Descrip­tion

This over­size anthol­ogy, with vibrant and orig­i­nal illus­tra­tions, includes three plays that young chil­dren will delight in read­ing and acting.

The vibrant and delight­ful illus­tra­tions com­ple­ment the story of the play while also offer sug­ges­tions on how it can be staged and rep­re­sented by young chil­dren. The three plays included are:

In the Eng­lish Book
Jenny Hen – La gallinita Roja
A theatrical version of the well loved story of the hen who had an apron, in her apron she had a little pocket, in the pocket she had a thimble, a pair of scissors and…. with all of this she spent hours sewing and singing. She was the happiest of them all.

But the wolf had a different future for her.

Serafina’s Birth­day

El cumpleaños de Serafina
an orig­i­nal play by Alma Flor Ada about a for­get­ful Rab­bit and his efforts to find a present for his best friends’ birth­day. While Sebas­t­ian is not able to secure any of the gifts he would have liked to get, at the end, he brings the best present of all – the story of his adven­tures. This cel­e­bra­tion of the story teller is one of my best loved stories.

The Friendly Ant
a dra­matic retelling, with a new mes­sage, of the fable of the ant and the grasshop­per by F. Isabel Campoy and Alma Flor Ada


Theatre has been a passion in my life. I was part of every play during my school years and later in High School I also begun writing plays. One of my works “The Museum” was chosen to be performed at the important theatrical event of our class graduation. Theatre was a way of life for me during those early years.

Because of my experience with theatre, and how important it was in giving me a voice, breaking the barriers of shyness, and encouraging me to speak in public; ensur­ing that chil­dren have access to read and act in plays has always been one of my basic goals. Even if it is done with great sim­plic­ity, act­ing in a play can have very pos­i­tive results.

I am con­vinced that one is bet­ter able to teach some­thing one has enjoyed doing. And just as Alma Flor Ada and I empha­size, in our courses of Authors in the Class­room, that teach­ers who cre­ate their own books will be bet­ter able to get their stu­dents to become authors, I believe that encour­ag­ing teach­ers to do the­atre and expe­ri­enc­ing the rich­ness of the process would bet­ter allow them to incor­po­rate plays in their reg­u­lar teaching.