Con ton y son

Teacher’s Resource Book: Música amiga: Ped­a­gogía creadora a través de la canción

Book and CD Description

Every one of these vol­umes can be used with any age chil­dren for the appre­ci­a­tion of poetry and music, and the devel­op­ment of con­cepts and values.

This vol­ume con­tains many well known tra­di­tional songs like Las mañan­i­tas and Tengo una muñeca and songs that empha­size the value of fam­ily like Isabel Campoy’s Mamá and offer an inspi­ra­tional mes­sage to chil­dren like ¡Ade­lante! and Mis manos.

Suni Paz musi­cal cre­ations draw from her exten­sive knowl­edge of Latin Amer­i­can and Span­ish musi­cal tra­di­tion mak­ing this CD and all CDs in the series a pow­er­ful intro­duc­tion to the His­panic musi­cal heritage.

The twelve poems con­tained in the book and the twelve songs con­tained in the CD are:

  • Las mañan­i­tas – Folklore
  • Del… al… — Alma Flor Ada
  • Tato, Anita y Titino — Alma Flor Ada
  • Tengo una muñeca – Folklore
  • La paloma – Folklore
  • Tengo, tengo, tengo – Folklore
  • En una bella ciu­dad – Folklore
  • Origami — Alma Flor Ada
  • En el kiosko — Alma Flor Ada
  • ¡Ade­lante! – F. Isabel Campoy
  • Mamá – F. Isabel Campoy
  • Mis manos – F. Isabel Campoy

Teacher’s Resource Book Description

Música amiga: Ped­a­gogía creadora a través de la can­ción by F. Isabel Campoy and Alma Flor Ada

This hand­book, inspired in the Trans­for­ma­tive Edu­ca­tion process devel­oped by Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Cam­poy, explores the use of songs in the class­room and pro­vides spe­cific sug­ges­tions to be applied with Música amiga.

It is divided in two major parts. The first, Apren­der can­tando, explores the uses of songs in top­ics like:

  • Las can­ciones y la cultura
  • Las can­ciones para elim­i­nar la ansiedad y facil­i­tar el aprendizaje
  • Las can­ciones y la cultura
  • Las can­ciones como base para la expre­sión cor­po­ral o dramática
  • Las can­ciones en la adquisi­ción de las habil­i­dades lingüísticas
  • Las can­ciones en la inte­gración entre la escuela y el hogar
  • Las can­ciones y los val­ores transformadores

The sec­ond part offers spe­cific sug­ges­tions for each of the 120 songs con­tained in the Música amiga program.

Author’s Note

This pro­gram com­bines the cre­ativ­ity of three extra­or­di­nary artists and human beings: Alma Flor Ada, Suni Paz and Ulises Wensell.

This program was originally created by Alma Flor Ada and Suni Paz, as “Hagamos caminos”. When we revisited the idea together, I wanted to contribute my own personal  sen­si­tiv­ity, humor, and cre­ativ­ity and I cre­at­ed a num­ber of orig­i­nal poems for Música amiga,  which were also put to music by Suni. The value of fam­ily, the trea­sure of cul­ture, the impor­tance of main­tain­ing our lan­guage, the appre­ci­a­tion for learn­ing and rea­son­ing, and the joy of cel­e­brat­ing life in all its forms are some of the top­ics with which I expanded the contents of this program.

The art in these books was orig­i­nally cre­ated by Ulises Wensell for Hag­amos caminos., When devel­op­ing Música amiga we were delighted to be able to draw from the Hag­amos caminos art to illus­trate this col­lec­tion of poems/songs.

And an extra­or­di­nary com­bi­na­tion of tal­ents have given life and light to these books and CDs that can enrich all and every class­room with the gift of poetry, songs, and art.

Música amiga pro­gram description

There are ten books to this series, each with an accom­pa­ny­ing CD.

Each book includes 12 care­fully selected poems. All 120 poems are pre­sented as songs in the CD col­lec­tion. Some of the poems are from folk­lore, a num­ber of them have been orig­i­nally writ­ten by Alma Flor Ada and by F. Isabel Cam­poy. A few are from other renown poets.

The books have mag­nif­i­cent illus­tra­tions from inter­na­tion­ally acclaimed illus­tra­tor Ulises Wensell.

All of these poems and songs can be enjoyed by chil­dren from Pre-K to 6th grade. As a mat­ter of fact, many can be enjoyed even by older students.

The first five vol­umes are par­tic­u­larly suited for help­ing develop spe­cific lit­er­acy skills and for the rein­force­ment of spe­cific syl­labic com­bi­na­tions as well as over­all lan­guage devel­op­ment. The last five vol­umes sup­port sus­tained lan­guage devel­op­ment, a deep­ened appre­ci­a­tion for lit­er­a­ture and an ongo­ing love for inde­pen­dent reading.

The titles are:

Themes, Val­ues and Vocabulary

The infor­ma­tion on this page includes not only the list of poems in the books and songs in the CDs but also an indi­ca­tion of the Themes and Val­ues pre­sented in them.

Ini­tial Read­ing in Spanish

For teach­ers or par­ents inter­ested in teach­ing or strength­en­ing ini­tial read­ing skills with songs, there is also a chart to indi­cate the syl­la­bles that are rein­forced through these poems and songs as well as a cor­re­la­tion with the ini­tial read­ing series Hag­amos caminos since many of these poems and songs are included in the Hag­amos caminos books.

Música amiga Guide

The Música amiga Teacher’s Guide offers gen­eral sug­ges­tions for the use of music in the class­room for vocab­u­lary, con­cepts and val­ues devel­op­ment, and spe­cific sug­ges­tions for the use of each song.

Apren­der can­tando, set of 2 cas­settes. These cas­settes explore how songs can facil­i­tate learn­ing in a vari­ety of ways. Recorded in Span­ish by Alma Flor Ada with numer­ous exam­ples of songs per­formed by Suni Paz.

Sig­nif­i­cance of the Use of Songs in the Classroom

The impor­tance of songs in the class­room can­not be overly empha­sized. Songs are a vehi­cle for both teach­ers and stu­dents to develop flu­ency in the lan­guage, improve pro­nun­ci­a­tion and into­na­tion, build vocab­u­lary, and develop their under­stand­ing of His­panic cul­ture. Learn­ing the tra­di­tional folk­lore cher­ished by fam­i­lies and com­mu­ni­ties will strengthen Latino children’s sense of iden­tity; for English-speakers learn­ing Span­ish, songs and folk­lore will deepen their appre­ci­a­tion of the Span­ish language.

The con­tent of the ten Música amiga vol­umes are:

¡Qué rica la ronda! — Música amiga 1
[While every one of these vol­umes can be used for gen­eral pur­poses with any age chil­dren for the joy of poetry and music, this vol­ume is par­tic­u­larly suited for lan­guage and vocab­u­lary devel­op­ment as well as fam­ily and iden­tity values.]

Los ele­fantes — Folk­lore
Sapi­tos – Alma Flor Ada
El barco chiq­ui­tito – Folk­lore
En el puente de San Juan – Folkore
Uno de enero – Folk­lore
La cig­a­rra gui­tar­rista – Alma Flor Ada
La bella hort­e­lana – Folk­lore
En alta mar – Folk­lore
El beso – F Isabel Cam­poy
Llu­via – F Isabel Cam­poy
Mi his­to­ria – F Isabel Cam­poy
Aquí vivi­mos — F Isabel Campoy

Canta la letra — Música amiga 2
[While every­one of these vol­umes can be used for gen­eral pur­poses with any age chil­dren for the appre­ci­a­tion of poetry and music, this vol­ume is par­tic­u­larly suited for phone­mic aware­ness and the prac­tice of the five vow­els as well as fam­ily values.]

Una mosca – Folk­lore
A, a, a, mi abuelita me dará – Alma Flor Ada
Yo te daré – Folk­lore
La i minús­cula – Alma Flor Ada
La mar estaba ser­ena – Folk­lore
Un… en un… — Alma Flor Ada
Las cinco vocales – Folk­lore
Color her­moso – F Isabel Cam­poy
Mi abuelo – F Isabel Cam­poy
¡Qué miedo! – F Isabel Cam­poy
Arre, arre — F Isabel Campoy

Can­ción y ale­gría – Música amiga 3
[This vol­ume con­tains sto­ries in verse by Alma Flor Ada. These sto­ries w intro­duce charm­ing char­ac­ters like La gal­lina Picotina, El loro Ala de Oro and La ratita Roe­queso as well as three charm­ing poems by Isabel Cam­poy. The poems and songs are par­tic­u­larly suited to allow chil­dren with ini­tial read­ing skills to read the lyrics independently.]

Per­rito color de café – Alma Flor Ada
Fa, fe, fi – Alma Flor Ada
El gato del mago — Alma Flor Ada
La gal­lina Picotina – Alma Flor Ada
La ranita – Alma Flor Ada
La bur­rita – Alma Flor Ada
El loro Ala de Oro – Alma Flor Ada
La ratita Roe­queso – Alma Flor Ada
Mi oso de papel – F. Isabel Cam­poy
Mi mapa – F. Isabel Cam­poy
Canta — F. Isabel Campoy

Corre al coro — Música amiga 4
[Every one of these vol­umes can be used with any age chil­dren for the appre­ci­a­tion of poetry and music, and the devel­op­ment of con­cepts and val­ues. All the poems in this vol­ume have been writ­ten by either Alma Flor Ada or Isabel Cam­poy. The CD offers a com­bi­na­tion of diverse music, lyric songs like El hada Hadaluna, lively songs like Jarabe tap­atío and Sube y baja and whim­si­cal invi­ta­tions to reflect like Mi back­pack, La cama de mi mae­stro y Soñar pal­abras.]

El ciem­piés y la cig­a­rra – Alma Flor Ada
El ratón Botón – Alma Flor Ada
El hada Hadaluna – Alma Flor Ada
Los ocho chiv­i­tos – Alma Flor Ada
Jose­fina y sus ami­gos – Alma Flor Ada
Jarabe tap­atío – Alma Flor Ada
Y va de cuento – Alma Flor Ada
Sube y baja – F. Isabel Cam­poy
Mi back­pack – F. Isabel Cam­poy
Bol­sillo de pan­talón – F. Isabel Cam­poy
La cama de mi maes­tra – F. Isabel Cam­poy
Soñar pal­abras — F. Isabel Campoy

Con ton y son — Música amiga 5
[A com­bi­na­tion of well known tradi­cional songs, like Las mañan­i­tas and Tengo una muñeca and songs that empha­size the value of family.]

Las mañan­i­tas – Folk­lore
Del… al… — Alma Flor Ada
Tato, Anita y Titino — Alma Flor Ada
Tengo una muñeca – Folk­lore
La paloma – Folk­lore
Tengo, tengo, tengo – Folk­lore
En una bella ciu­dad – Folk­lore
Origami — Alma Flor Ada
En el kiosko — Alma Flor Ada
¡Ade­lante! – F. Isabel Cam­poy
Mamá – F. Isabel Cam­poy
Mis manos – F. Isabel Campoy

Cara­colí — Música amiga 6
[A com­bi­na­tion of songs from folk­lore, includ­ing the beloved De col­ores, orig­i­nal poems/songs by Alma Flor Ada and mag­nif­i­cent poems/songs by Isabel Cam­poy that stress the impor­tance of lan­guage con­tin­u­a­tion, Hablar como tú, as well as the val­ues of fam­ily and cul­ture, Tú eres muy rico]

De col­ores – Folk­lore
Pri­mav­era — Alma Flor Ada
Salta la tablita – Folk­lore
Cri-crí — Alma Flor Ada
Cabal­lito blanco – Folk­lore
Pim­pón – Folk­lore
Las mar­i­one­tas – Folk­lore
Juanito – Folk­lore
Juega con­migo – F. Isabel Cam­poy
Hablar como tú – F. Isabel Cam­poy
Cara­cola – F. Isabel Cam­poy
Tú eres muy rico – F. Isabel Campoy

Sigue la música — Música amiga 7
[Well known songs from folk­lore like He per­dido el do and Mam­brú, accom­pany some orig­i­nal poems/songs. La Cucara­chita Mar­tina is an excep­tional drama­ti­za­tion by Suni Paz of the well-known tale. Isabel Campoy’s poem/song Familia cel­e­brates the rich­ness of family.]

He per­dido el do – Folk­lore
Antón Pir­ulero – Folk­lore
La Cucara­chita Mar­tina — Alma Flor Ada
Las jirafas geme­las — Alma Flor Ada
Flo­res y cara­coles — Alma Flor Ada
Clotilde — Alma Flor Ada
Mam­brú – Folk­lore
Drag­ones y coco­dri­los — Alma Flor Ada
El reloj de mi bis­abuelo – Folk­lore
La vilanela – Folk­lore
Familia – F. Isabel Cam­poy
La playa – F. Isabel Campoy

Do, re, mi, ¡sí, sí! — Música amiga 8
[There is much joy and humor in this book/CD com­bi­na­tion. The bal­lad of El señor don Gato has enchanted many gen­er­a­tions of chil­dren. Ofi­cios is a poem/song filled with humor that will delight read­ers and lis­ten­ers of any age. La llu­via one of Alma Flor’s favorites. Isabel’s three poems/songs in this title will elicit smiles and invite you to sing along.]

El señor don Gato — Folk­lore
Los días de la sem­ana — Folk­lore
Ofi­cios – Alma Flor Ada
La llu­via – Alma Flor Ada
El ratón y el gato — Folk­lore
A dormir — Folk­lore
Pizpiri­gaña – Folk­lore
La pas­tora – Folk­lore
El trencito – Folk­lore
El lápiz de Guillermo — F. Isabel Cam­poy
Ramón y su perro — F. Isabel Cam­poy
La nube y la bal­lena — F. Isabel Campoy

El camino de tu risa — Música amiga 9
[This title includes the work of some very well respected poets, José Martí, Mirta Aguirre and Jaime Fer­rán. It also includes two of Alma Flor’s best known poems/songs, Mi amiga, la som­bra and the inspir­ing Hag­amos caminos. Isabel con­tributes four poems/songs, one ded­i­cated to moth­ers, Día de las madres, another to fathers, Un beso de papá.]

La rosa blanca – José Marí
Lo que vamos a ser – Alma Flor Ada
Los loros – Jaime Fer­rán
Aven­tura – Mirta Aguirre
Ronda de faro­las – Folk­lore
Los pol­li­tos Fer­nán — Silva Valdés
Mi amiga, la som­bra — Alma Flor Ada
Hag­amos caminos — Alma Flor Ada
Día de las madres — F. Isabel Cam­poy
Un beso de papá — F. Isabel Cam­poy
Estaba una sirena — F. Isabel Cam­poy
Alto, bien alto — F. Isabel Campoy

El son del sol — Música amiga 10
[This title com­pletes the series with poems of some of the best poets in the Span­ish lan­guage, mas­ter­fully turned into songs by Suni Paz. Her ren­di­tions of Fer­nando Luján’s Cig­a­r­ras, of Mirta Aguirre’s Cabal­lito, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Doraba la luna el río and Jaime Fer­rán Las gace­las are evoca­tive and haunt­ingly beau­ti­ful. For Un son para niños antil­lanos by Nicolás Guil­lén and Can­ción de todos los niños del mundo she has cre­ated lively music that invites you to sing along. Four excel­lent poems/songs by Isabel Cam­poy make this a nec­es­sary title in every class­room. Isabel leads chil­dren in the reflec­tion of what it is to think in ¡Qué cosa diver­tida es pen­sar!, she brings the aware­ness of how vast knowl­edge is in La maes­tra tam­poco lo sabe, and she invites all to take respon­si­bil­ity in tak­ing care of life, Cuida la vida. Finally, she offers the most poignant song about the impor­tance of retain­ing our own lan­guage in No te olvides, no, a song that has become a true inspi­ra­tion for bilin­gual educators.

Un son para niños antil­lanos – Nicolás Guil­lén
Cig­a­r­ras – Fer­nando Luján
Doraba la luna el río – Juan Ramón Jiménez
Baile de la caña – David Cheri­cián
Las gace­las – Jaime Fer­rán
Cabal­lito – Mirta Aguirre
Los zap­ati­cos de rosa – José Martí
Can­ción de todos los niños del mundo – Alma Flor Ada
Cuida la vida — F. Isabel Cam­poy
No te olvides, no — F. Isabel Cam­poy
¡Qué cosa diver­tida es pen­sar! — F. Isabel Cam­poy
La maes­tra tam­poco lo sabe — F. Isabel Campoy

Val­ues Book CD Song #

Autoes­ti­mación – Self Esteem

Mis manos V 12
Mi amiga, la sombra IX 7
Ofi­cios VIII 3

Cul­tura – Culture

Mi his­to­ria I 11
Jarabe tap­atío IV 6
De col­ores VI 1

Diver­sity – Diversidad

Can­ción de todos los niños del mundo X 8
Aquí vivi­mos I 12

Ecología – Ecology

Cuida la vida X 9
Alto, bien alto IX 12
La llu­via VIII 4

— Study/Work/Professions

Hag­amos caminos IX 8
La maes­tra tam­poco lo sabe X 12
Lo que vamos a ser IX 2
¡Qué cosa diver­tida es pensar! X 11

Familia — Family

Día de las madres IX 9
El beso de papá IX 10
Familia VII 11
Mi abuelo II 10

Gen­erosi­dad / Sol­i­dari­dad
– Gen­eros­ity / Solidarity

La cig­a­rra guitarrista I 6
Los zap­ati­cos de rosa X 7
La rosa blanca IX 1

Idioma – Language

Hablar como tú VI 10
No te olvides, no X 10