En un lugar muy lejano

Teach­ers, Chil­dren and Par­ents Writing

This anthol­ogy con­tains sto­ries and thoughts writ­ten by chil­dren, teach­ers, and par­ents. Excel­lent as an inspi­ra­tion for the writ­ing classroom.

Note from the editor

For many years Alma Flor Ad and I have been pro­mot­ing the idea that we are all authors and that every­one should be invited to put his feel­ings, dreams, expe­ri­ences in writ­ing in order to pre­serve and share them. We have described the process that will achieve these goals in the book Authors in the Class­room.

The idea behind antholo­gies like the one pre­sented here is to offer mod­els of writ­ings by teach­ers, chil­dren and par­ents that can be an invi­ta­tion to facil­i­tate lis­ten­ing to every voice and devel­op­ing true learn­ing com­mu­ni­ties sup­ported by a strong

There are six titles in this col­lec­tion of Teach­ers’, Children’s and Par­ents’ writing: