Nuevo día


This ample col­lec­tion of poetry, with 96 pages, lively illus­trated, with poems from the most impor­tant poets of the Span­ish speak­ing world includ­ing poetry by Rafael Alberti, Elsa Isabel Brne­mann, Jaime Fer­rán, Ester Feli­ciano Men­doza, Isabel Freire de Matos, Ernesto Galarza, Anto­nio Grana­dos, Nicolás Guil­lén, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Gabriela Mis­tral, Car­los Mur­ciano, Marina Romero, Alfon­sina Storni, María Elena Walsh. Among the selec­tions from the folk­lore there are four ver­sions of the tradi­cional Romance de don Gato. It also includes orig­i­nal poems by F. Isabel Cam­poy as Todas las famil­ias del mundo, La voz del ver­ano and Si un día tuviera… and orig­i­nal poems by Alma Flor Ada among oth­ers Mar, Querer, and Diego Velázquez.


Poetry is one of the best gifts we can give chil­dren. A poem a day enhances a child’s life with the sounds of words, with rhyme and rhythm, with the enchant­ment of images and metaphors, with the invi­ta­tion to see real­ity with new eyes.

Our cul­ture is very rich in out­stand­ing poets and excel­lent poetry. Some poets write pri­mar­ily for chil­dren, but even our most rec­og­nized poets have at some time or other writ­ten poetry that chil­dren can enjoy.

The Cielo abierto Poetry Col­lec­tion is com­posed of seven poetry antholo­gies. These rich antholo­gies include selec­tions from the folk­lore along with the work of the best Spanish-speaking poets from the United States, Latin Amer­ica and Spain. Each of the selec­tions has been care­fully cho­sen to awaken children’s love of poetry and to deepen their appre­ci­a­tion for the musi­cal­ity and rich­ness of the Span­ish lan­guage. Orig­i­nal poems by Alma Flor Ada and Isabel Cam­poy are also included.

It is impos­si­ble to assign a spe­cific age to poetry, since the same poem can be enjoyed by chil­dren of dif­fer­ent ages at dif­fer­ent moments. Yet, there is a cer­tain pro­gres­sion of lan­guage and read­ing dif­fi­culty in the series reflected in the order in which the titles are listed.

Grade lev­els have been men­tioned next to the titles as an ori­en­ta­tion, but should not be seen restric­tively.
The titles are: