Salta, saltarín

Book Descrip­tion

This anthol­ogy of orig­i­nal poems for young chil­dren by Isabel and Alma Flor includes some of their favorites. This collection grew out of our desire to share with children in their first years of schooling a love for words, for rhythm and rhyme, and to open for them the door to discover poetry in everyday life.

Award win­ning illus­tra­tor Clau­dia Leg­nazzi com­ple­ments this book with her vibrant and delight­ful creations.

Author’s Note

Poetry is a child’s best friend. A poem is a trea­sure that can remain with us for­ever. New words, new struc­tures, new images, ideas, val­ues and reflec­tions can be part of the poem’s gift. Rhyme, rhythm or cadence will facil­i­tate remem­ber­ing it.

A poem a day is an infal­li­ble pre­scrip­tion for an engag­ing class­room and happy children.

Facil­i­tat­ing access of chil­dren to poetry has been one of my life quests.

Alma Flor and I have pub­lished a series of seven antholo­gies of poetry in Span­ish as part of the Cielo abierto Series: Gor­rión gor­rión, La rama azul, Verde limón, Dulce es la sal, Nuevo día, Huer­tos de Coral and Ríos de lava. We are delighted to have included there poetry from the best poets from the Spanish-speaking world. As well as the poetry series of Gate­ways to the Sun / Puer­tas al sol which includes four vol­umes, in sep­a­rate edi­tions in Eng­lish and in Span­ish: Dream­ing Fish / Pim­pón, Laugh­ing Croc­od­lies / Mam­brú, Singing Horse / Mam­brú, Fly­ing Dragon / Chuchu­rumbé. The beau­ti­ful pre­sen­ta­tion of these books, where the artis­tic illus­tra­tions are a wor­thy com­pan­ion to the poems gives both Alma Flor and myself immense satisfaction.

Recently we have pub­lished a series of books of rhymes from the oral tra­di­tion in bilin­gual edi­tions, in order that Eng­lish speak­ers can also get to know and enjoy our folk­lore: ¡Pío Peep! and MuuMoo are col­lec­tions of rhymes. Merry Navi­dad is a col­lec­tion of vil­lan­ci­cos or Christ­mas car­ols, and Ten Lit­tle Pup­pies / Diez per­ri­tos a book inspired on a tra­di­tional pop­u­lar rhyme.

Salta, saltarín is a new addi­tion to this world of poetry all chil­dren should have access to.